Open Coil Heating Element

Resistive heating is the basis for how open coil heating components work. Heat is produced when an electric current runs through a coil and meets resistance.
Open coil heating elements (Plug and Rack Heating elements) are economical and most popular heating elements with quick thermal response and accommodate higher watt density in daily use. Heat utilizing nickel/chrome or iron-based alloys, open coil heating elements provide controllable electric heat in a variety of residential, commercial and industrial applications at lowest pressure drop.

Advantages offered by Open Coil Element

Efficiency in Energy Use

The conversion of electrical energy into heat is incredibly efficient for open coil heating components. Because of its design, heating operations may be optimised and energy waste can be reduced to a minimum.

Hasty Heating

The quick heating up time of open coil heating elements is one of its main benefits.


Open coil heating components are very adaptable and may be tailored to meet a variety of heating needs.


Open coil heating components are an affordable heating option because of their extended lifespan and good functioning.

Selecting an Appropriate Open Coil Heating Element

A number of considerations, including material compatibility, watt density, size restrictions, and required temperatures, must be taken into account when choosing an open coil heating element. Ensuring optimal performance and longevity of the heating element may be achieved by following manufacturer recommendations and consulting with industry experts.

Where Open Coil Heating Element is used?

For the majority of heating applications, open coil elements are the most cost-effective and efficient kind of electric heating element. Open coil heater elements, which are mostly used in the duct heating sector, feature open circuits that heat air straight from the hung resistive coils.

Why choose us?

Get through the wholesome experience of heating solutions with us. We promise to bring ease into your life with our best Open Coil Element. We ensure that you get the best service possible so don’t think and provide yourself the best heating solution with us.
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