Two open coil elements with helical metal coils and extended electrical connection rods on a white background.

What is an Open Coil Element, & How Does it Work?

They are called Powerhouses of efficiency & affordability. Known for its diverse applications and fascinating features, these elements have been on the research radar for every industrial enthusiast. Let us dive deep into the what’s and how’s of Open coil elements.

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When we think of a coiled spring, we think of a bouncing ring. The one that can make you bounce on a sofa! But imagine the same coils getting heated up. That’s what Open Coil Elements essentially look like. They are typically made up of a Nickel-Chromium alloy wire that is resistant and heats up adequately as soon as it comes in contact with electricity

Unveiling the Facts: How Open Coil Elements Work?

Let’s breakdown the mechanisms:

Resistance Phase:

Whenever an electrical current flows through the coiled wire, its resistance interferes in the flow, eventually heating up the wire. The type, gauge, and diameter of the wire are important for reaching the desired heat output and maximizing performance. It’s comparable to selecting the ideal recipe for your heating requirements.

Heat on Demand:

The coils that are visible emit heat directly to the air or objects close by. Imagine it as the sun gently heating your face during a clear day. Using this method of direct heating helps to reduce the amount of heat that is lost, thereby making open coil elements very effective at generating heat.

Ceramic Insulators:

Often overlooked, play a vital role in supporting the coils at high temperatures and ensuring they are isolated electrically from their environment. They act as small heat shields, guaranteeing that the magic occurs inside the element.

What’s the Heat used for: Applications of Open Coil Elements

Open Coil Elements are like the ultimate utility players in the industrial heating game. Their versatility and efficient heating make them a popular choice across various applications:
Air Heating Leaders:

Open coil elements are used in duct heating systems as primary heat sources to directly heat air passing through ducts, typically for industrial processes like drying or curing products. They play a major role in various applications — including ensuring that freshly painted cars achieve uniform surfaces without any imperfections! According to a recent report the global market value for industrial air heaters is expected to reach USD 52.8 billion by 2032.

Ovens and Furnaces Revolutionized:
Open coils placed inside ovens or furnaces represent the primary source of radiant heat necessary for heating different materials within these enclosed spaces— like invisible chefs cooking materials to perfection.
Turning fantasy into actuality:
In situations where localized heating is required, open coil elements can be the perfect solution for pipes. They can easily be placed inside wells or wrapped around pipes to heat liquids or gases without overheating them — making it ideal for heat-sensitive materials such as delicate pharmaceuticals.  The global industrial process heating market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.2% by 2027
Power Players:
Load Banks and Resistors: Open coil elements find their place of importance even in the electrical world— they can work in load banks for testing power supplies or play the role of resistors in electrical circuits ensuring everything runs seamlessly from behind.

Gearing Up for Success: Advantages and Considerations

Why do these open coil elements stand out among other choices? Let’s go through what makes them winners:
  • Direct heat transfer eliminates losses and in this respect such systems can be seen as quite cost effective over a period of time.
  • Heating that won’t burn a hole in your pocket: A straightforward design means you won’t have to break the bank for this heat producer.
  • Quickdraw McGraw: Open coils that reach high temperatures fast make it ideal for situations where time is of the essence.
  • Your Heat, Your Way: Easily customizable into different dimensions and forms based on what your heating project calls for. An industrial suit made specifically for you!
  • Replacing coils: Each coil can be replaced separately without having to change the entire element, which means easy replacements and low costs of downtime and maintenance. 
  • Nevertheless, every heating element has its drawbacks; here are some points that should be kept in mind when dealing with open coil elements:
  • Airflow Aerobics: High velocity air flow induced vibrations on coils that make them likely to short circuit— hence open coils should only be used with low airflows.

Facts & Figures: Statistics & Market Research Report

Let’s Talk Numbers: Industry Statistics for Open Coil Heaters. The open tube radiator market has experienced rapid and significant growth recently, and forecasts confirm that this significant expansion will continue from 2023 to 2031.
The global industry report aims to provide key industry performance trends, demand drivers, trade, leading companies and future trends. The open tube heater market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.5% annually (CAGR 2024 – 2031).
Market Size Value In US$ 12710 Million in 2022
Market Size Value By US$ 16441.27 Million by 2031
Growth Rate CAGR of 2.9% from 2022 to 2031
Forecast Period 2024-2031
Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the global market owing to the growth of the heating coil market in regional countries such as China and India. China is expected to capture approximately 20% of the heating coil market due to the rising demand for heaters in various industries such as analytical instruments, defense systems, commercial food equipment, and others.

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