
What is a Cartridge Heater & How it works?

When it comes to mechanical functionalities, the challenges are excruciating. Wouldn’t it be a nightmare if an intricate plastic component making machine suddenly stops working in a manufacturing company? At times, when the surface heating isn’t enough to hit the desired soaring temperatures, the material might solidify causing the system to clog. This is where the Cartridge Heater comes in handy! This little device is capable of doing wonders when it comes to radiating heat through a confined space. As the name suggests it is a tube-shaped heating device that can easily be inserted in drilled holes. Let’s dig deeper into the mechanisms and uses of a Cartridge Heater.

What exactly is a Cartridge Heater?

It looks like a unique cylindrical device typically used for stamping molds (shaping mold), extrusion molds, packaging machinery, hot cutters, hot press molding machinery, melt blown molds, injection molds, rubber molds, semiconductor processing, pharmaceutical machinery, uniform heating platforms, liquid heating, etc.
The star of the show is a metal casting known as the sheath. A sheath is made up of stainless steel that contains an insulator along with a coil of nickel-chromium heater wire. This protective sheath acts as armour increasing the resilience power of the Cartridge and shielding it against mechanical damage ensuring seamless heat dissemination.

How does Catridge Heater Work?

Now that we’ve uncovered the meaning, let’s talk about its functionality step-wise with an example scenario:

Step 1- Electrical Current Flow

Let’s consider a Plastic Injection Moulding Machine. After inserting the Cartridge heater, an electric current passes through the cartridge heater.

Step 2- Resistance Heating

Usually made up of nichrome wire, the cartridge then heats up causing resistance. The Ohm’s Law (V=IR) applies here leading to the unbeatable resistance.

Step 3- Heat Transfers to Sheath

The generated heat gets transferred to the metal sheet that surrounds the cartridge heater.
Incase of a Plastic Injection Moulding Machine, The Cartridge Heater is inserted into the nozzle of the machine. Once the heater reaches a particular temperature, the surrounding metal sheath catches it, further transferring the heat to the nozzle & the barrel heating up the plastic resin inside.

Step 4- Melting & Mounding

The plastic resin is then heated up to its melting point where it turns malleable. This molten plastic then gets injected into a mould cavity where it takes its appropriate shape.

Step 5- Cooling & Solidification

The moment the mold is filled, the plastic slowly turns cool and solidifies. The cartridge might continue transferring remaining heat to maintain the temperature especially for applications where a perfect control is required on the cooling rates.

Step 6- Process Completion

The molding cycle comes to an end when the plastic completely turns solid. TOnce ready, it is released from the mold and forwarded for assembling or any further processing.
In order to fit a cartridge heater to an application that has a low or medium temperature application (600°F or less), drills used for general purposes are more than enough for drilling holes. While drilling holes .003” to .008” considering the nominal drill size, resulting in fits of .009” to .014.

What are the Factors that make the Cartridge Heaters more efficient?

1 .Temperature Controllers & Cartridge Heaters need to be attune!
Another crucial element that makes the Cartridge Heaters perform exceptionally during its processes is the temperature control. It is usually placed in the middle of the working surface and the heater. They need to be approximately ½” away from each other. So that maximum allowable density is passed through.
2. An Upsurge in Thermal Effectiveness
Cartridge heaters have tremendous capacity to transfer heat. Eventually, leading to high thermal conductivity.
3. Seamless Installation
Who doesn’t need an easy peasy installation of any device? Looking at its sizes & form, installing cartridge heaters is simple and takes minimal effort.
4. Applications & Usage
The applications of Cartridge Heaters scale up to a diverse set of processes and sectors. This might include packaging machines, food processing, Aerospace, plastic processing, etc.

Let’s look at some stats laid down by the Industry Experts

  • The Low Density Cartridge Heaters market is projected to reach a CAGR of 12.3% during 2024 – 2031, according to the latest industry estimates. .
  • Top players driving growth in market include North America, Asia Pacific (APAC), Europe, USA and China
  • As the demand for reliable, cost effective and energy efficient heating devices & solutions increase, the market is experiencing a steady expansion.
  • Technological evolution backed with conducive market trends indicate a landscape of growth & expansion for Cartridge heaters.

Although Cartridge Heaters might look petite, they play a massive role in the smooth functioning of many prominent industries. Be it a company making electronic devices or an automotive factory, these compact devices with their countless applications and advantages ensure efficient heating whenever needed. So, now when you think about reducing those unforeseeable hurdles in your manufacturing unit, consider installing a good quality Cartridge heater.

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